LARC 2010 / VIII IEEE Brazilian Robotics Competition

IEEE Very Small Soccer

Chair:  Wanderson Assis (


In the IEEE Very-small Soccer two teams of 3 robots of up to 7,5x7,5x7,5cm play a soccer game. The robots are remotely controlled by a computer, but without human intervention. The computer processes the image of a video camera placed above the field and commands the robots.


This category has been played in Brazil since 2003. The last results are:


CBR 2009

   Champion: UFRN (Brazil)        Vice-champion: USP-SC (Brazil)

LARC 2008

   Champion: UFRN (Brazil)         Vice-champion:  FEI (Brazil)

CBR 2007 

   Campeão: UFRN (Brazil)         Vice-champion:  FEI (Brazil)

LARC 2006

   Champion: FEI (Brazil)             Vice-champion:  MAUÁ (Brazil)


Rules and Attendance

Attendance:  Gaduate and Undergraduate students - professors and researchers
Rules: the same as in 2009.
            English version: Rules 2008
            Portuguese version: Regras 2009/2010
        The portuguese version was translated from the English version. If there is any difference, the english version will overrule.

General Informartion

Updates, restrictions and other information will be availbale here, released only by the chair of the category.



23rd-28th October 2010
Centro Universitário da FEI
São Bernardo do Campo - SP- Brazil
Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC 2010)
Robocup 2009 (c)