LARC 2010 / VIII IEEE Brazilian Robotics Competition

IEEE Open Category


Chair: Josemar Rodrigues de Souza (


The IEEE Open has the objective of presenting a high level challenge to the students. In this league any equipment can be used to assembly a autonomous robot which ought to accomplish a task which is changed each year. The tasks of the IEEE Open try to reproduce the challenges of the real robotics in a minor scale.


This category has been played in Brazil since 2003. The last results are:


LARC 2009

   Champion: Usta_bot_93 (Colombia)        Vice-champion: Usta_bot_91 (Colombia)

LARC 2008

   Champion: Pumas UNAM (Mexico)         Vice-champion:  G.E.D. Escorpion(Colombia)

LARC 2007 

   Campeão: INacional 2K7 (Chile)              Vice-champion: ROAUCAB (Venezuela)

LARC 2006

   Champion: Short Circuit  (Mexico)            Vice-champion: Armando Casas Team (Chile)


Rules and Attendance

Attendance:  Gaduate and Undergraduate students
Rules: English version - Rules2010
            Spanish version - Rules2010

F. A. Q.


Q: What are the blocks made of? What is the cube mass?
A: Blocks are made of wood. The mass of each cube should be between 60 – 90 grams.

Q: Can more than one robot be carried per time?
A: Only one robot can be on the scenario at a time. It is not allowed robots that can split in two or more robots during a round. Also, no team is allowed to use one robot in a round and other robot in next round.

Q: Can the cubes be place one over the other in the proposed sequence?
A: No. Cubes should be place ones next others in horizontal way.

Q: The 300mm limitation remains for all the challenge or it is only for the beginning?
A: During all competition, the initial configuration of robot must remain in a cube of 30x30x30cm. Then robot can autonomously deploy any kind of griper, arm or mechanical extension to take, manipulate or transport cubes.

Q: Can the team choose the robot orientation even though the start points are chosen by the judge?
A: No. Initial position and orientation will be assigned by judges. This weren’t clearly stated in version 1.0 of rules. New version of rules has specification of this.

Q: The positions of the colors in the fabrication zone are always the same or they are randomly chosen in each round?
A: When all robots are present, the round starts. At this time, judge will place group of products (cubes) randomly and it will be the same for all teams. Remember, that no member will be able to modify or reprogram their robot until whole round ends. This assure an equivalent situation for all robots.

Q: The color of the graphics do not correspond to magenta.
A: Version 1.1 of rules fix this color inconsistency.

Q: In the Spanish version... are 4 or 5 the number of teams for the finals??? There are two different references to the number of teams in the finals (4 and 5).
A: Version 1.1 of rules correct this inconsistency.

Q: There is any fixed distance between the piles of blocks and the production zones?
A: The piles should be in the center of each sector of production zone.

Q: Is there any restriction regarding the number of blocks each robots get per time?
A: No, there is no restriction in the number of cubes that robots can transport at a time. But, there is penalization if a cube is dropped off or forgotten.

Q: There are restrictions regarding the robot leaving the arena. Is there any kind of restriction in the entrance or other areas?
A: Robot can’t leave the arena, but can go freely inside producers’ zone, vendors’ zone and central corridor.

Q: As states in the rules "... The robot should be able to differentiate color of each product...". If the team goes for another approach without using a color sensor, is there any problem?
A: Teams can use any approach to collect cubes and to deposit them on vendors’ zone. A simple approach could be to take one cube of each and deposit them in vendors’ zone. This approach can give an easy way to obtain 100 points per package of 5 cubes deposited inside a sector. Nevertheless, an approach that consider colors detections and cubes manipulation can give a way to obtain 300 point per package of 5 cubes correctly deposited inside a sector. Clearly, vision capabilities can make a big difference in the final score.

Q: If more than 5 blocks are placed in the saling area do we get a bonus for excedents??? If we complete the 5 blocks, do we receive an extra bonus for the correct order?
A: No more than a package of 5 cubes is allowed inside a sector of vendors’ zone. If so, it will consider as incorrect. The maximum number of correct package of 5 cubes that can possible make is 12 (See figure 6). In this case, and without any penalization, the maximum possible score is 3660 points (300 x 12 + 1x5x12). That is: 300 point for each package correctly deposited and 1 point for each cube inside vendors’ zone.

Q: Is there any tolerance for the distance between the blocks in the deposit?
A: To consider that a package of cubes is inside a sector, no cube should be in contact with black line.

Q: Figure 7 does not correspond to the explanations of correct and incorrect. When a reference is made in examples 1 and 3 one can understand that the content was exchanged.
A: Version 1.1 of rules fix this inconsistencies.

Q: What is the correct position of the cubes? Item 2 presents... "The correct order is the following: a red, cube, a green cube, a cyan cube, a magenta cube and a yellow cube." However, item 3 informs... "Vendors need that cubes are placed in the following order: cyan, red, yellow, green blue, magenta, as is shown in figure 5".
A: Version 1.1 of rules fix this inconsistencies on correct and incorrect forms to place package of cubes inside sectors of vendors’ zone.


23rd-28th October 2010
Centro Universitário da FEI
São Bernardo do Campo - SP- Brazil
Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC 2010)
Robocup 2009 (c)